Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The New Normal...

Ok, I find that show funny. It is centered-around a lifestyle many may find offensive or disagree with, but I still think its funny. Ok, I was a little upset at first that two gay guys could get pregnant and I still am not sure that is in the cards for me...

No really, I am actually talking about the New Normal for me and my hubs and our fur kids. We have been displaced for 3 months now, are under contract on a house, I've lost a 5th grader in those same 3 months... well do you see where I am going with this. I just want to sleep in MY king sized bed in MY new(old) house.  I want to be able to leave my babies out of their kennels while I run to the gym around the corner... Not feel bad that I have left them all day with my sweet mother in law... so I skip the gym. I can't wait for our NEW NORMAL to set in. As of now it is looking March 15th. But, that looks and feels like so long.

We are really having a hard time realizing this is really happening. It is much like I expect I will be if we ever get pregnant or win the lottery and can afford adoption. I keep thinking I am going to wake up and realized this is all a dream and that I am really 40 and still living with my mother in law (I love her! But, at 3 months I feel like we have worn out our welcome).

So, maybe just maybe we will start our new normal a month from now. But, we would welcome any prayers that we can close a little earlier... So, we can get stuff done during my spring break week. As it stands we will close the Friday during spring break and I will go back to work the following Monday. We have the entire downstairs trim and wood work to paint and 2 ac units and 2 furnaces to replace (the current are almost as old as me...28 years old). If we close the 15th, it will be a week or two before we can move in. :(

Here is a sneak peek of our little foreclosure, I mean new home... I want to paint all the green brown or black! But that will be on down the line :) All new HVAC is pricey y'all!


  1. Looks great! Will definitely be praying that it all works out, and soon!

    1. Thanks so much! I am hoping we can close soon. Like next week... wishful thinking

  2. Cute house.. Praying it all works out. sorry you have to put HVAC in. Looks like you will have lots of space.

    1. Thanks! We will have double what we had before. I am super excited!

  3. Love it! Where is the new house? I swear I have seen that one. I don't want to say the road on here in case you have stalkers lol;)

    1. haha it is really close to my parent's house. I'll message you on fb to tell ya the addy :)

  4. LOVE the house! Paint the shutters black - it will be a nice contrast! I can't wait to see pictures inside & will be praying that you can move in ASAP! I love buying houses (weird, huh?) and coming up with ideas of what to do to make things more functional!

    1. Thanks girl! I will definitely be asking you kitchen questions. We have a lot to do in there for sure :)
